

27 October 2021

Good Design Award recognizes the outstanding design of the INAX S200 LINE Collection

INAX wins seven prizes at the prestigious Good Design Award, Japan’s most historic design awards program run by the Japan Institute of Design Promotion (JIDP). The winners include five products from the Japanese market and two from the global S200LINE collection and S200 LINE toilet.

27 July 2021

Our awarded projects "INAX Brand Design" and "INAX Signature Elements and Reference Design" are displayed at the Good Design Marunouchi Exhibition In Chiyoda-ku Tokyo!

Under the theme "Good Design with Sense of Empathy, about 40 projects are exhibited including "INAX Brand Design" and "INAX Signature Elements and Reference Design".

04 June 2021


(5月26日,中国上海)2021年5月26至29日,第26届中国国际厨房、卫浴设施展览会(Kitchen & Bath China,下称KBC)在上海新国际博览中心举办。作为全球家装行业领导者日本骊住集团旗下四大品牌之一,日本伊奈(展位号:E2B03)强势登陆,秉承“水净身心,浴适人生”的品牌理念,以“光影空间,日夜守护”为主题,传达出日式品牌的价值和美感,全面展现品牌最新技术、产品、多元化设计理念和服务,